aws s3 cli_了解AWS CLI –使用AWS CLI与AWS S3存储桶进行交互
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aws s3 cli

It is the second article in the Learn AWS CLI series. It gives you an overview of working with the AWS S3 bucket using CLI commands. We also look at a brief overview of the S3 bucket and its key components.

这是Learn AWS CLI系列文章中的第二篇。 它概述了如何使用CLI命令使用AWS S3存储桶。 我们还将简要介绍S3存储桶及其关键组件。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

You should meet the following prerequisites before going through exercises demonstrated in this article.


  • Created an Amazon web console

    创建了一个Amazon Web控制台
  • IAM user with relevant access. You can use a root account as well, but it has the highest permissions, and you should avoid using root user in a production environment

    具有相关访问权限的IAM用户。 您也可以使用root帐户,但是它具有最高的权限,因此应避免在生产环境中使用root用户。
  • Installed AWS CLI in either local system or AWS EC2 machine

    在本地系统或AWS EC2计算机中安装的AWS CLI
  • Learn AWS CLI – An Overview of AWS CLI (AWS Command Line Interface) for more details 学习AWS CLI – AWS CLI概述(AWS命令行界面)

AWS S3存储桶概述 (Overview of AWS S3 Bucket)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provide a cloud storage service to store and retrieves files. It is known as Simple Storage Service or AWS S3. You might be familiar with Dropbox or Google Drive for storing images, docs, and text files in the cloud. AWS S3 is a similar kind of service from Amazon. You can store a single file up to 5 TB with unlimited storage. It provides benefits such as flexibility, scalability, durability, Availability.

Amazon Web Services(AWS)提供了一种云存储服务来存储和检索文件。 它称为简单存储服务或AWS S3。 您可能对DropboxGoogle云端硬盘在云中存储图像,文档和文本文件很熟悉。 AWS S3是亚马逊提供的类似服务。 您最多可以存储5 TB的单个文件,而不受限制。 它提供了诸如灵活性,可伸缩性,耐用性,可用性等优点。

Log in to the AWS Console using either root account or IAM user and then expand Services. You can see S3 listed in the Storage group as shown below.

使用root帐户或IAM用户登录到AWS控制台,然后展开Services 。 您可以在存储组中看到S3,如下所示。

AWS S3 Bucket

Click on S3, and it launches the S3 console. Here, you see an existing bucket (if any) and options to create a new bucket.

单击S3,它将启动S3控制台。 在这里,您会看到现有的存储桶(如果有)以及创建新存储桶的选项。

  • Bucket: A bucket is a container or a folder to store the objects. We can have sub-folders in a folder. You must create a unique namespace for an S3 bucket. We cannot use the upper case or space in the bucket name. We can go through the 存储桶:存储桶是用于存储对象的容器或文件夹。 我们可以在文件夹中包含子文件夹。 您必须为S3存储桶创建唯一的名称空间。 我们不能在存储桶名称中使用大写字母或空格。 我们可以浏览 to view naming conventions in an S3 bucket 以查看S3存储桶中的命名约定
  • Key: Each object name is a key in the S3 bucket 密钥:每个对象名称都是S3存储桶中的一个密钥
  • Metadata: S3 bucket also stores the metadata information for a key such as a file upload timestamp, last update timestamp, version 元数据: S3存储桶还存储密钥的元数据信息,例如文件上传时间戳,最近更新时间戳,版本
  • Object URL: Once we upload any object in the AWS S3 bucket, it gets a unique URL for the object. You can use this URL to access the document. This URL is in the following format:

    对象URL:将任何对象上传到AWS S3存储桶后,它将获得该对象的唯一URL。 您可以使用此URL访问文档。 该URL的格式如下:

    https://[BucketName].[Region].[amazonaws.com]/object key.file_extension

    https:// [BucketName]。[Region]。[amazonaws.com] / object key.file_extension

In the following example, we can see Image URL in the same format.


  • [Bucket name] : testbucket-s3-raj

  • [Region]:ap-south-1

  • [Key]: Capture.PNG


You can also view the S3 bucket URL representation in the following image. Each object contains a different URL, although the basic format remains similar.

您还可以在下图中查看S3存储桶URL表示形式。 每个对象包含一个不同的URL,尽管基本格式保持相似。

Once you upload an object in the S3 bucket, it follows Read after Write consistency. It refers to the fact that after uploading an object, it is available immediately to all users (with relevant access) to read it. However, once you remove an item, it is Eventual consistent. It takes some time to remove the item for all edge locations (cache).

将对象上传到S3存储桶后,它遵循“读后写”一致性。 它指的是以下事实:上传对象后,所有用户(具有相关访问权限)都可以立即读取它。 但是,一旦删除项目,它最终是一致的。 删除所有边缘位置(缓存)的项目需要花费一些时间。

适用于S3存储桶的AWS CLI工具命令 (AWS CLI tool command for S3 bucket)

As of now, you should be familiar with an AWS CLI tool and an S3 bucket for storing objects. In this section, we use the CLI command to perform various tasks related to the S3 bucket.

到目前为止,您应该已经熟悉AWS CLI工具和用于存储对象的S3存储桶。 在本节中,我们使用CLI命令执行与S3存储桶相关的各种任务。

创建一个新的AWS S3存储桶 (Create a new AWS S3 Bucket)

We use mb command in CLI to create a new S3 bucket. You should have configured the CLI profile in your environment before executing this command. We specified a default region Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 in the production profile.

我们在CLI中使用mb命令来创建新的S3存储桶。 在执行此命令之前,您应该已经在环境中配置了CLI配置文件。 我们在生产资料中指定了默认区域亚太(孟买)ap-south-1

Open a command prompt and execute the below CLI code. It creates a new S3 bucket named sqlshackdemocli in the default region.

打开命令提示符并执行以下CLI代码。 它将在默认区域中创建一个名为sqlshackdemocli的新S3存储桶。

aws s3 mb s3://sqlshackdemocli --profile production

In the query output, it returns the bucket name.


AWS CLI tool command for S3 bucket

Now, go back to the AWS web console and refresh the S3 buckets. You can see the new bucket in the following screenshot.

现在,返回AWS Web控制台并刷新S3存储桶。 您可以在以下屏幕截图中看到新存储桶。

Verify new bucket

Select the S3 bucket and click on Copy ARN. It is a unique Amazon resource name. It returns following ARN- arn:aws:s3:::sqlshackdemocli for S3 bucket.

选择S3存储桶,然后单击复制ARN 。 这是唯一的Amazon资源名称。 它针对S3存储桶返回以下ARN- arn:aws:s3 ::: sqlshackdemocli

You should provide an S3 bucket name as per the AWS standards. For example, we cannot use underscore(_) in the bucket name. It gives you the following error message.

您应该根据AWS标准提供S3存储桶名称。 例如,我们不能在存储桶名称中使用下划线(_)。 它给您以下错误信息。

列出所有AWS S3存储桶 (Lists all AWS S3 Buckets )

We use ls command to retrieve S3 bucket names in your AWS account.


aws s3 ls --profile production

As per the previous screenshot, we have three buckets in AWS. You get the bucket name along with the creation date in the output using the CLI command.

根据上一个屏幕截图,我们在AWS中有三个存储桶。 您可以使用CLI命令在输出中获取存储桶名称以及创建日期。

Lists all AWS S3 Buckets

将单个文件从本地系统复制到基于云的AWS S3存储桶 (Copy a single file from the local system to cloud-based AWS S3 Buckets )

Once we created an S3 bucket, we need to upload the relevant objects in it. It uses copy command (cp) to copy a file from the local directory to the S3 bucket. The following command uploads a text file into S3. It might take time to upload depending upon file size and internet bandwidth.

创建S3存储桶后,我们需要在其中上载相关对象。 它使用复制命令(cp)将文件从本地目录复制到S3存储桶。 以下命令将文本文件上传到S3。 上载可能要花费一些时间,具体取决于文件大小和Internet带宽。

aws s3 cp C:\FS\aarti.txt s3://sqlshackdemocli

Copy a single file from local system to cloud-based S3 bucket

You can open the S3 bucket and verify that the uploaded file exists in the bucket.


将多个文件从本地系统复制到基于云的AWS S3存储桶 (Copy multiple files from the local system to cloud-based AWS S3 Buckets )

Suppose you want to upload multiple files in the S3. It is not feasible to execute the above command with each file name. We want a way to upload them without specifying file names.

假设您要在S3中上传多个文件。 对每个文件名执行上述命令是不可行的。 我们想要一种不指定文件名就上传它们的方法。

We still use the cp command to specify a directory along with argument recursive. Here, we do not need to specify the file names.

我们仍然使用cp命令指定目录以及参数recursive 。 在这里,我们不需要指定文件名。

aws s3 cp directory_path s3://bucket_name –recursive

For this demo, I want to upload the following 5 files from the FS folder to the S3 bucket.


Local directory

This command uploads all files available in the specified folder to the AWS S3 bucket.

该命令将指定文件夹中的所有可用文件上载到AWS S3存储桶。

aws s3 cp C:\FS\ s3://sqlshackdemocli - - recursive

As you can see, it goes through each file available in the specified folder and uploads it.


Recursive option

Refresh the S3 bucket and verify the uploaded files using a recursive argument.


从本地系统复制多个文件,并排除特定的扩展文件 (Copy multiple files from the local system and exclude specific extension files)

Before we move further, select the files in the S3 bucket and delete them. Now, we have an empty bucket.

在继续之前,请选择S3存储桶中的文件并删除它们。 现在,我们有一个空桶。

Now, suppose we do not want to upload any jpg files into the S3 bucket. We can exclude specific files as well to upload using the exclude extension.

现在,假设我们不想将任何jpg文件上传到S3存储桶中。 我们也可以排除特定文件,也可以使用排除扩展名将其上传。

The following command excludes *.jpg files and uploads other files. You can verify it in the following screenshot.

以下命令排除* .jpg文件并上传其他文件。 您可以在以下屏幕截图中进行验证。

aws s3 cp C:\FS\Upload s3://sqlshackdemocli --recursive --exclude "*.jpg"

Copy multiple files from the local system and exclude specific extension files

Similarly, we can use both include and exclude arguments together as well. For example, we require to exclude text files and include JPG files, use the following command.

同样,我们也可以同时使用包含排除参数。 例如,我们要求排除文本文件并包括JPG文件,请使用以下命令。

aws s3 cp C:\FS\Upload s3://sqlshackdemocli --recursive --exclude *.txt* --include "*.jpg"

include and exclude arguments

使用指定目录和S3存储桶之间的比较来上传文件 (Upload the files using a Comparison between specified directory and S3 bucket )

Suppose we have various files in the source folder, and a few of them are already uploaded in the S3 bucket.


Look at the following source and S3 bucket files. We do not have three files (highlighted in the Source) in the S3 bucket.

查看以下源文件和S3存储桶文件。 S3存储桶中没有三个文件(在源代码中突出显示)。

  • Source (local director)


    Upload the files using a Comparison between specified directory

  • S3 bucket


We want to upload only remaining files from source to destination. We can achieve the requirement using the sync argument.

我们只想将其余文件从源上传到目标。 我们可以使用sync参数来达到要求。

aws s3 sync C:\FS\Upload s3://sqlshackdemocli

In the output, we see it uploaded only files that are not available in the source folder.


Upload missing files

文件的设置权限 (Setup Permissions to files)

By default, uploaded files do not have public access. If you try to access the object URL, it gives the following error message.

默认情况下,上传的文件没有公共访问权限。 如果您尝试访问对象URL,则会显示以下错误消息。

Setup Permissions to files

We can set permissions while copying the files as well. Specify the acl argument and set permissions to public-read.

我们也可以在复制文件时设置权限。 指定acl参数并将权限设置为public-read。

aws s3 cp C:\FS\Upload  s3://sqlshackdemocli --recursive --acl public-read

ACL argument usage

删除存储桶中的所有文件 (Delete all files inside the bucket)

We can remove a file in a bucket using the rm command. Use a recursive argument to delete all files.

我们可以使用rm命令删除存储桶中的文件。 使用递归参数删除所有文件。

aws s3 rm s3://sqlshackdemocli –recursive

It deletes the files from the S3 bucket and lists the deleted files name in the output.


Delete all files inside the bucket

使用AWS CLI删除AWS S3存储桶 (Delete an AWS S3 bucket using AWS CLI)

We can remove an S3 bucket using the rb command. The following command removes the S3 bucket named sqlshackdemocli.

我们可以使用rb命令删除S3存储桶。 以下命令将删除名为sqlshackdemocli的S3存储桶。

aws s3 rb s3://sqlshackdemocli

We get an error message because the bucket is not empty.


Delete an AWS S3 bucket using AWS CLI

We can either remove the objects using the commands specified above or use the force argument to delete the bucket along with its content.


aws s3 rb s3://sqlshackdemocli –force

It first deletes the existing files and then removes the S3 bucket as shown below.


Force delete

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we explored AWS CLI commands to perform various operations in the AWS S3 bucket. CLI makes it easy to perform tasks using simple commands and arguments. I would encourage you to explore CLI commands and perform the tasks as per your requirements. I will continue discovering more CLI commands in the upcoming articles.

在本文中,我们探索了AWS CLI命令以在AWS S3存储桶中执行各种操作。 CLI使您可以使用简单的命令和参数轻松执行任务。 我鼓励您探索CLI命令并根据需要执行任务。 我将在接下来的文章中继续发现更多的CLI命令。


aws s3 cli


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